Exterior Painting

Exterior Painting Contractors

Paying Close attention to detail on your interior walls

Call Today (608) 292-2654

Exterior painters Madison, wi

For a paint job to endure a long time, adequate surface preparation is essential while finishing any Madison Exterior Painting project. The first step in getting surfaces ready for exterior house painting is to give them a good cleaning to get rid of dirt and mildew. When it comes to designing a bespoke exterior painting project that will enhance the beauty of your house or place of business and turn your vision into reality, EB House Painters knows what it takes to get the job done quickly and affordably.

Then, all flaky caulking and loose paint should be taken off. Replace any rotten boards and prime any newly-planed wood. A strong sealer should be used to caulk any gaps between adjacent pieces of wood or between wood and stone. All plants should be moved or covered, and any hardware or lighting fixtures that aren't going to be painted should be covered or adequately protected.

(608) 292-2654

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Vinyl Siding 

The Picky Painters will use a preparation procedure and skilled equipment to produce an even, beautiful finish if your vinyl siding needs to be painted. Do you wish to fix discolored siding without having to replace it? We can achieve it.

Aluminum siding:

Do you need to renovate your dark basement immediately? So that you may feel at peace and make the most of your basement, hire experienced painters to make it look better.

Interior Doors

Internal doors play a significant role in the overall aesthetic of your home or place of business and significantly affect the interior curb appeal. You'll save money on door replacement because all of your doors will look brand-new.


If your brick is faded or has some minor cosmetic damage that can be remedied with new paint, our brick home painting service can be a perfect alternative. Your brick home's appearance can also be changed by The Picky Painters by using a new hue.

Stained wood:

It is possible to paint stained outdoor wood, but meticulous prep work and priming are required to make sure every color is made to last. The Picky Painters have a lot of expertise painting exteriors that were previously stained wood.


Is your patio equipped to be used frequently this summer? You may be happy to display your deck or porch area all year long thanks to our staining and painting services.

Exterior painting requires professional Madison exterior painters. The professionals at EB House Painters know how to protect your bushes, shrubs and external property. We have the modern equipment and know-how to transform your exterior with paints designed to beautify and protect your home’s siding. Enjoy staying safe on the ground while we handle all the details and make your property look its best.

We are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. Depending on the number of topcoats, you can get up to a five-year warranty for labor and material. If your paint fails before then, we will supply the materials and labor to make it right at no cost to you.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

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