
Fitchburg House Painters

Interior & Exterior

Call Today (608) 292-2654

Interior and Exterior house painting contractors in Fitchburg

We are experienced in satisfying all of the interior painting and exterior house painting needs of our customers in a thorough and economical fashion. You can be assured that we will come up with a quick and efficient solution to every single one of our customer’s residential painting needs. Whether you are looking for affordable interior painting or affordable exterior house painting in Fitchburg, you can count on our painters for the highest caliber customer service.

At EB House Painters Madison our friendly, professional, expert house painters are on staff year round to provide reliable painting services. We use only the most durable painting products. Our experienced painting professionals take pride in their work and strive for perfection. We are the best interior and exterior painters and use only the highest quality paint products. 


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Why Hire Us?

Dedicated to customer satisfaction

  • Fully Licensed & Insured
  • Flat rates, so you know exactly how much you're paying before we begin.
  • Free in Home Cost Consultation.
  • Company Carries Workers' Compensation.
  • Color consultations available with interior designer.


Give us a call today at (608) 292-2654 

Benefits of Painting Your Fitchburg Home?


The purpose of paint is to protect the exterior of your property from the elements. Paint protects wood from the strong rays of the Florida sun. Paint protects your property from moisture, which can cause the wood in your home to deteriorate. By safeguarding the exterior of your home, you are safeguarding your most valuable asset.

Home Value

A well-maintained home is definitely more valuable than one that has been neglected over time. Flaking paint on a house is unappealing to most people. Houses that have recently been painted are popular. People place a higher value on a home with a great paint job than one that has to be painted.

Pride of Ownership

Are you embarrassed by the exterior paint on your Middleton house? If you're reading this, I'm guessing you're one of them. Perhaps your friends and neighbors have noticed, and have even made a comment about it. Stop putting it off and paint it now. It'll be as if you've moved into a fresh new house. You'll be the talk of the town, and everyone will remark on how lovely it looks.

Interior House Painting Services for Fitchburg Residential Customers

Our professional interior house painters have years of experience and can restore the look of your living room, bedroom, family room, kitchen, home office, and outside. We start by sanding any rough areas and removing old peeling paint, washing dirty areas, filling in cracks and holes, and prepping domestic surfaces. Then, depending on the job, we'll apply one, two, or three layers of primer and paint to provide a long-lasting, high-quality finish.

We've learned from past experience that taking a methodical approach allows us to deliver the high-quality inside house painting service we've promised.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

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